"A convenient way to see the selected exhibit items at a glance!
Seoul Int’l Cafe Show is pleased to introduce you the Coffee Cherry’s Choice.
Meet HOT products that are selected to satisfy your high taste."
Blending Apple Juice
Sunam Farmers merges sustainability, innovation, customer satisfaction under the slogan “Pleasure from Farm.” Our apple juice is crafted in HACCP-certified facilities, ensuring safety. We blend seasonally harvested apples to enhance their natural flavors. Using advanced production techniques juice extraction expertise, Sunam delivers a product that captures the true essence of fresh apples.
About us
Sunam Farmers is a leading researcher, producer, distributof various fruits with over 40 years of experience in agriculture. Proudly from Seonam-ri, Mungyeong-si, Sunam Farmers' journey began as a local apple orchard. We strive to provide fresh tasty produce with our ever-evolving farming distribution techniques.