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Paragon Filter
FN6 serises
Paragon Filter FN6 series provides about 70% more water purification capacity than conventional products, 10 times more precise water purification performance, reduce early clogging by particles. FN6-S Protects coffee machine seals, pump, tubing small orifices from clogging, corrosion abrasive wear. FN6 Good fcold drinking water 50 to 100 kg small ice machine, provide an excellent taste fwater. FN6i The high flow rate perfectly responds to large ice machine over
Paragon Filter
PS8 core motivation fdeveloping this product was to find a true replacement fthe conventional sodium based water softeners, ion-exchange resins other chemicals, those are either partially functional functions at the cost of the environment & health. Increased sodium content in water decreased pH fact(making water acidic) directly influence the health problems, environmental damage damage to the systems those are vulnerable to chemical corrosion due to sodium.
Paragon Filter
Paragon Filter H3500 makes brewing coffee taste special.